Want a little more zen?

If this doesn't say welcome home, I don't know what does My Domaine

If this doesn't say welcome home, I don't know what does My Domaine

I have a confession. I'm clutter-phobic. (Everyone who knows me is laughing right now.)

But, the funny thing is, I don't do it because I like how it makes my house look or I'm super-intense about being organized. 

Getting rid of things I don't need makes me feel calm. I'm surrounded by things I use often and make me happy. There's no going to/should have/one day/ought to. Just, "oh, I love that!"

Want to give it a try?

1. This is about what makes you happy

Keep that front of mind to make choices that work for you. Is your nightstand buried in books you meant to read? Nothing helps me fall asleep like guilt. Take a line from Frozen and "let it go!" Pick the one you actually want to read and donate the rest to the library.

2. Don't worry about making a mistake  

Why use your closet as a shrine for maybe one-day stuff? Whittle it down to things you actually (and actively) need and enjoy! No more headlamps and sherpas whenever you need to grab your coat.

3. Pick a purpose for the room. Then decide what's in it

If you want your bedroom to feel like a retreat get serious about what you keep there. Edit anything that doesn't help you unwind. Be selfish in such a good way.

4. Your stuff is not a living thing

So, you don't need to find it a good home in order to say goodbye. 

Want to clean out your clothes closet? Mark 3 areas with signs labeled discard, donate, and keep. Turn on some music, (maybe, pour a glass of wine), and set a timer. 

Ready? Go!

Does it make you look and feel great? Keeper. No? If it's in good condition, donate it. If not, discard and move on. (If you have to think about it, it's a no.) This is snap judgement decision-making at its finest. 

Now, every time you open your closet, you'll only see things you love to wear. Well done, you gorgeous creature!

As you work on your home, don't worry about momentary pangs of indecision or guilt. Stay focused. When this is done, you're going to feel lighter, happier, and more relaxed whenever you walk into that room. 

Want a little more help? How about a guide to tackle the clutter room-by-room. Just click here to download and let us know how it goes.

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